Monday, August 23, 2010

Definitely not bored

Well the weekend was crazy and I didn't get a chance to blog any yesterday because we headed for Lexington pretty early and didn't get home until after 9:00. Let me back up until Saturday though. Saturday was jam packed. We already had purchased our tickets for WAMM Fest but we got a phone call on Friday night from a high school classmate asking if we could join her and her husband and another classmate and his wife for a small get together at their house. I jumped all over the invitation because as head of our reunion committee I'm always trying to put events together and it's nice once in awhile if we're the invitee at smaller gatherings. We tried to hook up with Eileen and Randy on a couple of other occasions but things never seemed to work out. The weather was iffy Saturday for the festival and we hoped any rain would hold off in the morning and early afternoon so we could get both activities in. I still had my craving for a juicy hotdog and circled the food vendors to see which one I would be visiting for lunch. The reggae band that was playing when we got to the park was pretty decent and we didn't have to fight a big crowd probably due to the impending rain that was predicted. I watched a danced troupe and we walked around the art booths. There seemed to more of them this year but nothing really caught my eye or agreed with my pocketbook. We tried a few wine samples including the Slender Wines from Chateau Thomas that I tried that were sugar free. I asked the vendor about the calorie content and found out it was just about the same which made me think ... what's the point? She said they were calories from alcohol and burned faster ... yeah, right? Calories are calories. Time to eat! Only two places had hot dogs and neither were ready yet and we were on a tight schedule, so we opted for pulled pork. It was really good and we had never eaten at this restaurant, so it's some place we may try. I figured pork would be better than a burger or pizza. We sat down and listened to another band, which was playing jazz. We had participated in all but the Microbrewery part of W(ine) A(rt) M(usic) and M(icros) Fest and would have probably stayed longer if we didn't have places to go and people to see.

We got to Eileen's about 3:00 and if wasn't long before the chips and salsa were brought out. I easily passed on those because we were too busy chatting, reminiscing and getting caught up with each other. I'm finding out now, that is really what social events are all about ... the people, not the food. Well, not so much the food anyway. That's the card I was playing Saturday night.

My sister has gone through quite a bit lately with her husband's death and many rounds of chemo and radiation. She finally had been released to go visit her daughter and since Lexington wasn't that far away, we decided to head there early yesterday morning, arrive around noon, visit for awhile and head back home. It was about six hours of driving but it was certainly worth it. She was in very good spirits and I could tell she was glad we made the trip. We don't get to see each other that often and just like other opportunities to see family, I jump at the chance. My niece had a great lite pasta salad for lunch, along with some fresh fruit and I thought it fit the bill with watching what I was eating, especially after having probably a little too much beef the last two nights. I hadn't been on the scales all week and didn't know where I stood but knew I needed to pull back the reins.

So all in all, the weekend was chock-full and I'm dragging this morning. It's good to keep busy but I feel that I overdid it a bit. However, I won't complain because boredom is my worse enemy when it comes to being tempted by putting too much in this body that wants to be more healthy and more defined.

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