Monday, September 10, 2012


I didn't post yesterday.  I felt pretty lousy.  The best thing about yesterday was Stephanie and her family came over for lunch and to watch the Colts game.  The game turned out about as good as I felt but having family in the house always makes me feel better.

Saturday we went to an art fair called Penrod at the Indianapolis Museum of Art and we did an sizable about of walking which helped mentally to counter balance the lack of wholesome food choices.  I didn't eat much on Saturday, a BBQ sandwich at Penrod, and a hot dog and a box of popcorn for dinner at our high school homecoming football game.  There's just not alot of choices at events like those.  I'm sure the calories didn't hit my maximum and believe me I could have done much worse.  I'm just thankful it's keeping myself in check by blogging on a regular basis and tracking my food.  I'm making choices now where before I gave no thought to what I was putting in my mouth.  I'm also hoping that I can incorporate more structured exercise into the mix.  But now, the amount of food seems to be doing the trick as long as I keep somewhat active.

Tonight is weigh-in and I'm hoping that I'll be earning those new PJ's tonight

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