Monday, January 3, 2011


Yesterday went according to plan. I slept in again, knowing that today I'd be headed back to work and getting up early. Then to church. On the way home, Gary asked what I wanted to do ... meaning go out to lunch or have it at home. I immediately said, "I want to go to the gym". We went home changed clothes and I was anxious to start my Couch to 5k Training. This morning I ask myself why? Not really, I have a little more confidence that I will be able to participate in October at DisneyWorld with my family. In fact, I know it. If I can't run it as planned, I will definiately walk it.

I did a 10 minute warm up on the bike and then got on the treadmill with my instructions. Five minute warm-up and then start alternating jogging for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds and do this for 20 minutes. Easier said than done. What speed do I start. I set it for 3.7 and half way through doubted myself if I was doing this right. Should I be walking and jogging at the same speed. I was definiately jogging taking smaller strides, but it didn't seem right. I got through it and was glad I didn't have to do this everyday. The program says three times on week one, so I'll be back Tuesday or Wednesday. I later found out ... yes, I was suppose to up the speed on the jogging part. I started questioning if I need to start over and wait until next week. No way, I'm counting it ... it was only the first day.

My eating was in check, as well. Gary fixed a new recipe last night. Chicken Marsala and it was great but my portion was small and I was satisfied with that. It really helps that he is doing the cooking and does these new dishes. It varies our normal meals and variety is the spice of life.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic. New catch phrase - I want to go to the gym. Love it.

NAN said...

Good for choosing the gym over food! I've spent the morning planning meals and organizing my finances.